Harmonious Altruism

Empowering new generations of practitioners to discover their true selves with experiential systems and bleeding edge technology in open and playful environments.

Our Core Values

Harmony, Compassion, Openness, Humor, Trust, Vulnerability, Safety, Generosity, Gratitude

Experiential Systems

Tai Chi 

Tai Chi Chuan is most often referred to as an internal martial art, indicating the emphasis is placed on strengthening the mind, circulating the Chi or vitality, and relaxing the body so that it is free to move. Tai Chi Chuan is most often translated as “Grand Ultimate System” or “Supreme Ultimate Fist.” It is also a complete system of physics and philosophy with many martial applications and is best characterized by the very popular symbol known as the Yin Yang.

from 8step.com

Kung Fu

“Eight Step Preying Mantis Kung Fu is a complete system of traditional Chinese martial arts. Its beauty when practiced is rivaled only by its effectiveness in combat. With practice, the system builds the mind, body, spirit and character of the practitioner.”

— Grandmaster James Shyun

from 8step.com


Mindfulness of the body is the foundation of the meditative journey. By bringing our awareness into the body and using the breath as a vehicle for exploration, we begin to awaken to the dynamic aspect of thoughts, sensations, and emotions that arise constantly within our immediate experience. As we become more familiar with ourselves in this way, we can begin to relax into this natural process and develop a deep and abiding appreciation for all the aspects of ourselves, others, and the world.

from Dharma Ocean

Available Now

Chakra Flow Card Game

The Chakra Flow Card Game provides a fun and interactive way to learn about the power of Chakras.  Become familiar with the harmonizing and disruptive emotions associated with these subtle energy centers by exploring each as its own card that is strategically played to achieve individual or collective enlightenment.


Luis Lundgren

Luis Lundgren was born in Mexico, raised in Paris and is now San Francisco Grown. He considers himself a Master of None, having passions ranging from spiritual development, business development, philosophy (Buddhism, Taoism, and western alchemy), martial arts, gaming, technology, VR and social justice. In 2017, Luis underwent a radical spiritual transformation involving Ayahuasca. Through this deep dive that led to exploring some ancestral psychological wounds, he came out with a simple mantra to live by: All Narratives are False; Direct Experience is True. With this inspiration, Luis approached Kirsten to form Harmonious Altruism so that new generations of practitioners have access to and are properly educated about transformative experiential systems, sacred plant medicines, and state of the art technology to help them realize and experience their true selves.

Kirsten Hunter

After spending 20 years in San Francisco working in tech, Kirsten Hunter has become a naturalized Californian. Her love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer manifested as a long term commitment to Kung Fu and Tai Chi, both as personal practices and a call to teach. Studying ancient Chinese experiential systems exposed her latent hippie tendencies and inspired an interest in spiritual growth through meditation and plant medicine. Witnessing Luis’s transformation and following her own healing path have led her to co-create an organization that helps others find their own paths through direct experience.